Monday, November 7, 2016

Ball Point #22: "What is really true ain't worth diddly squat.  What is perceived as truth is really all that matters."
Ball Point #82: "News is what people ought to know or want to know.  To some people that's a conflict."

We all want to have our beliefs sustained, so we seek our news stories that are the benefit of our favorite candidate, or to the detriment of his or her opponent.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Ball Point #5   We need to see ourselves as others see us.

Do we see ourselves as Christian yet spout hate as we ignore the problems of others?  Do we see ourselves as  “pro life” yet fight against sex education, prenatal care, kindergartens and good schools?  Do we see ourselves as young and attractive as others see us differently?  Do we see ourselves as intelligent and open minded, while others see us a closed minded and bigoted?

Until we see how others perceive us we’ll never fully communicate.

One in a series.  Collect them all.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ball Point # 7   "What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not they are extreme, but they are INTOLERANT. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents." -Robert F. Kennedy

Like many "Ball Points" this goes back to #1.  "They" and "Them" show our own intolerance.  And so often we come up with petty excuses to justify our own behavior.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Ball Point #1

"Ball Point #1"    "They" and "them" are often the worst four letter words in the English alphabet.
It's easy to spot our differences with others.  But those differences are often superficial.
It's also easy to assume that because someone agrees or disagrees with us on one thing, they agree or disagree on everything, so we put "them" into a category.  
For example, I believe gun owners and users have a certain responsibility.  Because of that many think I'm opposed to the Second Amendment.  I'm not.

Ball Points -- The complete list